Ninjas is a game for high-schoolers run by high-schoolers, barely tolerated by teachers and administrators alike. Everyone in the game is part of a four person team, targeting another team. To avoid being eliminated, you can wear the safety for the day, which is posted on Instagram the night before. Each week for Ninjas, I will provide a weekly recap of safeties, kills, and team eliminations.
Day 1:
The first day of ninjas went relatively peacefully, with only ten kills total. The safety for the day was to have a paper heart with your name on it attached to your shirt. While most teams made it through the day with no losses, Emmie McDonald from team “Bot Blast” was able to take out three members of “The Nucitas,”
Day 2:
The second day saw more than twice the amount of kills as the previous day, most likely due to the safety being much harder. You and a partner had to make a heart shape with each of your hands, but it was possible that the person you were doing the safety with was secretly targeting you, leading to 21 total kills.
Day 3:
For the third day, the safety was having a flower in your mouth. It was also the day of H-B’s Febfest which helped players stay safe for the first half of the day. However, this didn’t mean everyone was safe, as there were 11 total kills.
Day 4:
The safety for day four was to have three Hershey kisses balanced on your forehead. However, if you got a kill, you were only required to have one of them. Many people discovered that unwrapping the Hershey kisses and slightly melting them made them stick better, but personally I don’t think having a bunch of chocolate stains on your forehead is worth it. There were 15 kills total.