How Not to Spend Your Money.
If you have taken Economics and Personal Finance at some point in your high school career, you understand the importance of saving your cash. However, it is really hard when the Iced Pumpkin Cream Chai with oat milk is calling your name. Seriously though, there is only so many times you can say go on a sweet treat run before your birthday money goes down the drain.
Use I-Blocks Productively.
I-Block is lock in o’clock. By this, I mean use your time wisely and complete homework, save those cravings for when you get home, where the food is free (to you). Stepping into the library before anyone can shoot a, “anyone up for Fro-Yo?” text is a valuable way of craving control.
Personally, I have noticed a significant decrease in my chai cravings with a cozy #fall aesthetic cup of tea in the morning. If you need a beverage while you work, contribute a personal mug to the drink stations of Catherine, Jennifer, or basically anyone in the English department. Seriously though, why do all English teachers have a mug in their hands at all times? I believe it has something to do with being so productive.
Get a Savings Account.
Saving account, yikes. What am I? Buying a house?
Hiding your money away in something more permanent than that ceramic piggy-bank from third grade may help you with controlling your balance. Talk to your parents about starting a big-kid savings account. I know it seems daunting, but if you put 15 dollars into it each month (instead of SouthBlock), that’s at least $180 dollars each year (not even including interest earned). Maybe that $180 dollars will hold you over on rent in college instead of your credit score taking the blow.
To Sum Up (See what I did there?).
While we slowly drift away from piggy banks and into work permits and direct deposits, it is really easy to start spending recklessly. The many joys of HB is its off-campus privileges, and one of the other joys of HB is self-governance.
Governing yourself to do those missing assignments in StudentVue instead of running to 7-11 is not only valuable for your grade point average, but your bank account too. Therefore, next time you want a slushy, use that prefrontal cortex and think about how much is sitting in your account versus how much you want that sugar rush.