Feb Fest is a class that high schoolers make that is about something they like or something they want to teach. Some of the sign-ups were gone in seconds. A snow day wiped away Day 1, but we came back to Day 2. It was the best way to start school after a snow day. Yours truly signed up for “All about Austen” and it was not about Austin, Texas. It was about the greatly celebrated author, Jane Austen. We ate 18th century classic snacks and watched the film Pride and Prejudice. This was my favorite Feb Fest because I liked the movie and a lot of my friends were in it as well.
The most popular Feb Fests were the health and fitness ones, and the arts and crafts. Some of the ones that sold out the fastest were friendship bracelets: “Knot Just for Summer Camp”, “Cookies and Classics”, “Decorating Cake Pops”, and “Crochet and Cookies”.
Feb Fest is a lot of fun for both middle and high schoolers alike.
“Feb fests make H-B more student-led because it’s run by students,” Misheel Baterdene, a 7th grader, said. Feb Fests are another thing that makes our school unique from other schools.